JCMI operates two major functions: Evangelism function which includes conducting crusades, revivals, ministers’ trainings, and Church Planting under JCMI FRLLOWSHIP, and Community services function which include prison outreach, partnership with homeless shelters to provide feeding, and mobile food delivery to church congregations for the needy, social needs intervention and skills training under JESUS CHRIST CARE CENTER (JCCC). It also operates a television channel known as JCMITV.
JCMI was incorporated on October 3, 2007, in the State of Maryland to conduct evangelism and provide community services for the needy. Later it receives its 501(c)(3) tax exempt status on September 02, 2009.Since then, the organization has provided spiritual and emotional counseling services and social skills training to inmates, provided teachings on sexual abstinence among youth and youth adults to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS and reduce teenage pregnancy through youth crusades and revival, and continues offer humanitarian assistance to the needy through community outreach programs, such as feeding the homeless and those in homeless shelters.
JCMI has also made several missions' trips to India, Norway, Brazil, Canada, South Africa, Kenya, Nigeria, Liberia, The Gambia, Tanzania, Burundi, Rwanda, Uganda, and several states in the United States of America.
Evangelist George is born again. He loves Jesus Christ, and he is committed to winning souls and making disciples for Christ by preaching the message of Grace and Truth worldwide.
The Mission of JCMI is to evangelize the world for Jesus Christ through ministry outreach and community service.
To know Jesus Christ, learn of Him, and make Him known to others through evangelism and discipleship.
JCMI received Awards from Shepherd's Table (a homeless shelter) and MTC Prison in Baltimore, Maryland, USA